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The International Center for the Apprenticeship Degree (ICAD), a division of NCAD, will launch during its first annual conference this August, convening world-class experts at Oxford University to examine and champion  the best Apprenticeship Degree models, worldwide. ICAD is committed to revolutionizing global higher education and workforce training by promoting job-embedded learning that ensures immediate employment and culminates in degrees without the financial burden of traditional degrees.

Why Apprenticeship Degrees?

The Apprenticeship Degree model offers an innovative solution, eliminating the false dilemma between earning a wage and pursuing higher-level skills via a degree.

What We Do

ICAD's mission revolves around three core pillars:

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Consulting & Technical Assistance

We provide tailored support for the development and expansion of Apprenticeship Degree pathways, emphasizing employer engagement, curriculum integration, and policy advocacy.

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We bring together global stakeholders, including higher education institutions, policymakers, employers, and intermediaries, to collaborate through conferences, professional development, and networking events. 

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Learning Excellence

We lead the global conversation on Apprenticeship Degrees, underpinned by rigorous research, publications, and the forthcoming establishment of a peer-reviewed scholarly and practitioner journal.

Ready to Join ICAD's 2025 Convening?

Join Us in Transforming Education and Workforce Globally

ICAD aims to redefine higher education on a global scale by ensuring equitable access to educational and career opportunities and fostering innovation through Apprenticeship Degrees.

For the latest updates and more information, please provide your contact information. Be a part of the global movement reshaping education and workforce training for the 21st century.

ICAD Leadership

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